Wednesday, May 1

why do feminists call men sexist for believing that women shouldn't be treated especial?

Asked by m1gr2345nbdeaxe at 01 May,2013
i just ask a question about why do some women think they deserve to be treated especial just for being women" and one user called me a misogynist creep whatever donn you know what i mean

Best Answer:
Woody Red at 01 May,2013
they call most men misogynists. It's their favourite term of abuse.

Other Answers:
  1. Because feminists want the special treatment of all females. Fact.
  2. because they are pissed off for no reason other than to be pissed off and they think that men are pigs blah blah blah

    they claim equal rights but complain about it when they dont get "perks" for being women saying that the men are being sexist pigs when in reality they are just sad ladies who has the intelligence of a sack of dead kittens.
  3. There is a word "especial" but I've NEVER heard it used. Best the say "Special".
  4. Women are ignorant! They don't realize that when men performed chivalry women were NOT equals they didn't really have jobs or vote etc! They were considered the lesser sex! They wanted equality they fought for it they got it and then turned around the next day and thought "oh sh#t we are equals? So I have to open my own door?" Ya maybe you as a race shoulda thought we can't be treated as an equal and as non equal at the same damn time.......not only is it stupid but they only have themselves to can't have it all.......chivalry is about treating a woman in such a way that they know they are not able to perform the tasks at hand they "need a big strong man" to open the door etc and take care of them!
  5. they call most men misogynists. It's their favourite term of abuse.