On another question this girl was saying men spread their sex business a lot. All the sex i ever had the girls always told their friends or family. And a person could ask me and id probably die with some information about the girls i had sex with or have done. I mentioned a few incidents but I have never told names. Ive had friends (females) come back (who were close to the person) ask me "did you sleep with this or that girl". And then when i say no they say "well she told me" I don't sleep with guys so i don't know talking to guys now guys even mention anything about sex. If i heard anything its i had sex with that girl but for guys its more like "ive already done that or I'm working on that". and thats it. No "shes a whore, or i bang her every night". Now with that said there are some jealous guys here and there but most guys know they are lying so we don't take them seriously, usually we say "stop it man and let go figure out something else to talk about". bane nice try. Im a black male and i don't. I will agree that at a poverty level there are some black men who feel like they got lucky and scream from the rooftops. But seriously speaking the average black man no. I will say a lot of black men get rapped up in the stereotype (which im not going to mention and let it get to their head. Society fools people. i don't fall for it, Poverty stricken people do! no blane that would have been a legitimate argument on top of that i doubt you know many black men to make that assumption. at least not ones with college degrees or successful ones. Cause we do not do that. bane you don't have friends and black males no quit lying. if you aren't lying lets see your facebook and i can bet you have not one picture of a black male on there. Now please don't hate my page cause we have happen to get girls. You sound jealous. And i just told you i dont brag so there goes your damn stereotype.
Best Answer:
Girly with style at 19 May,2013
It depends but women usually gossip more.
Other Answers:
- Men
- Men talk the most, but women are more honest with what they say.
- It depends but women usually gossip more.
- Women share more personal stuff. Men share to brag about things...i think it's equal, just about different things
- Sorry to say this but I think its women. During french class, one girl at school told us that she can drink a cup full of semen, the things her boyfriend do during lunch break and A LOT more.
- Men
- Not trying to bring race into but black men tell their business way more than any race.
I guess for ego busting purposes. They love to brag about being with other races. Because I know just as many white guys that have slept with other races including black women but you never hear us bragging about it.
Next I would say women brag more.
Black men and women are neck-n-neck in the "telling your business department"
Additional comment-
White men we look at women as just women. If she's sexy hot whatever we are on it...Black men on the other hand have an obsession with acceptance. Hate to be sexually explicit on this question but..Pu$$y is just Pu$$y to us. Black men it's takes on a totally different meaning when you get non-black women. It's like the only time you see yourself as a man is when you are with non-black women. Kind of sad.