Monday, May 20

Why do women often refer to themselves and other women as "angels" or "goddesses"?

Asked by ♥ Dick Tater ♥ at 20 May,2013
or "princesses"

Best Answer:
Caylay at 20 May,2013
Because they're obsessed with themselves.

Other Answers:
  1. They are insecure.
  2. Because they're obsessed with themselves.
  3. I've never heard anyone do this, ever. I have heard men and women call children angels.
  4. because women have such huge egos
  5. I have never done that..

    because there strange.. insecure...
  6. I've heard women call each other "babes" or "sugar t!ts" but never angels.
  7. 'cause they be readin' fairytales - they hatin'
  8. Insecure women with nothing to offer a man refer themselves as angels, goddesses, & princesses. When in reality, they're none of those things at all.