Sunday, May 19

Do women like men as much as men like women?

Asked by Sean at 19 May,2013

Best Answer:
CaseNut at 19 May,2013
Men like sex. Women like benefits.

Other Answers:
  1. Some do some don't.
  2. This question is too vague and suggests you think women don't like men. They probably just often don't like you buddy.
  3. Since men dont seem to actually "like" women very much, the bar isnt very high there.
  4. Not at all, no.
    All women like to believe men are evil, which is pure misandry.
  5. Men like sex.

    Women like benefits.
  6. Really who cares. You have to be a pretty big egotist to start competing about which gender cares more. About the other. That's beyond immature.
  7. Men are obsessed with women. I like Men, but im not obsessed
  8. Generally speaking, probably not.

    On a related note:
    Women like women more than men like men
  9. Men would fvck anything, women have 'a little bit' more standards than that.