Thursday, May 23

Why are women more prone to mood swings then men?

Asked by James at 23 May,2013
They also can be kinder then men and meaner then men. All people I know meaner then a man are women and all people I know kinder then men are women. So it seems they have both extremes (love/hate).

Best Answer:
Alien from Pluto at 23 May,2013
They aren't always that's a stereotype. Anyone can be. It can be a psychological condition. Both teenage girls and guys have mood swings cause of raging hormones. Men and women both have hormones.

Other Answers:
  1. They aren't always that's a stereotype. Anyone can be. It can be a psychological condition.

    Both teenage girls and guys have mood swings cause of raging hormones.

    Men and women both have hormones.
  2. We'll never know.
  3. Because men spend 23 hours a day beating women
  4. because there are more woman beaters/abusers that are men then there are men beaters/abusers that are women
  5. Not only is emotional response a response to environment, but also a reaction to other factors like hormones. While both sexes have variations in hormones during the day, the menstrual cycle is hugely variable and almost entirely varying on psychoactive hormones that have been demonstrated to influence not only sexual preferences in different types of men but directly affect things like the sense of taste, smell, and other environmental sensitivities.

    So, the short answer is women are more prone to mood swings because they are internally more variable across time in how they react to stimuli.