Sunday, May 19

"Wrap it up in latex or she'll get your paycheck's"?

Asked by Hannah at 19 May,2013
Good quote? Yay or nay Well it's copied and pasted, not my spelling :) Mr. Dance, people do that a lot here. It seems like wasted typing time to me. They've already answered so they clearly understood the question..MayB I shud start TaLkIn like Dis innit! lol

Best Answer:
Woody Blue at 19 May,2013

Other Answers:
  1. witty, but kind of silly no offense.. it's a crude, tasteless line
    anyway it's paychecks not paycheck's :p
  2. nay.
  3. May is correct; you have a grammar error. But I laughed.
  4. Haha yeah that's a good one lol
  5. It's good for a slogan to joke about putting a condom on and prevent pregnancy and STI's; sadly however, very few actually care to prevent such responsibility.
  6. nay, and are people really correcting your grammar? seriously. we must have some professors on here.
  7. yay
  8. Nay I think it makes out men to be irresponsible and women to be money grabbers.