Wednesday, May 22

If I unblock Jess ... do you think she will unblock me?

Asked by Woody Black at 22 May,2013

Best Answer:
Hannah at 22 May,2013
Oooohhh.....Woody's posted a chatting question and mentioning other users! I'm telling!

Other Answers:
  1. Who?
  2. Probably not...
  3. why do you care?
  4. Yes - she might be nicer than you
  5. Well that was subtle.
  6. Unblock and find out.
  7. Well we don't know why she blocked you in the first place. It depends why she blocked you.

    I know I would unblock someone if
    1. I get a genuine apology (for someone who was nasty to me)
    2. If I see their posts and answers are better (for someone I blocked due to sexist or nasty answers and Qs)
    3. If they unblocked me (for someone who blocked me first for a reason that was not us 'fighting')

    That is basically it.
  8. Is unblocking like re-friending? Unblock her, because you are the bigger man! Jess, ah, give the guy a break here. Sounds like he's willing to do an Internet shake hands and make up. I had someone not agree with my opinion and told me off. lol. I blocked him and he has no clue. If he did what you did and posted this... I'd unblock him. ;-)
  9. *woosh*
  10. Is that you? In the avatar? I don't know, I had her blocked for God knows how long and she never blocked me... So I just unblocked her.
  11. Oooohhh.....Woody's posted a chatting question and mentioning other users! I'm telling!