Tuesday, May 21

Is investing in makeup a waste of time if a woman is "naturally pretty"?

Asked by i love david =^.^= at 21 May,2013
Time, finding out the best brand for her, and how to apply/what looks best, and money because it's the expensive kind. It does make u look nicer

Best Answer:
Jens at 21 May,2013
Beauty is important up to a point. If you're naturally pretty, then it is a waste of time. Wearing the best cosmetics well might make her prettier, but men are either attracted or they are not. There comes a point where guys kind of check off the physical beauty requirement and start looking at what's on the inside, so if you've got the outside covered naturally, it's better to spend your time and money on cultivating your personality. Also, not wearing the makeup or being more subtle about it gets you taken more seriously at work, while still providing the benefits of your natural beauty.

Other Answers:
  1. In my opinion, yes, because you are wasting time and money, but it makes most women feel better about how they look. I guess it depends on whose opinion you have.
  2. No, because no matter how pretty you are, you can always better your best. I use mostly Lancome, I don't really care what's expensive or "in". I prefer what accentuates me.
  3. Not a waste of time. It's your personal choice and you choose to look better. natural beauty is nice but I don't see anything wrong in wanting to improve your physical assets. It's very natural. We want to look good and it makes us feel good too.
  4. Not necessarily whatever she wants to do with her face is her choice. With or without she's beautiful though.

    Some people get the misconception that women look unattractive without makeup. It isn't true all the time.
  5. Beauty is important up to a point. If you're naturally pretty, then it is a waste of time. Wearing the best cosmetics well might make her prettier, but men are either attracted or they are not. There comes a point where guys kind of check off the physical beauty requirement and start looking at what's on the inside, so if you've got the outside covered naturally, it's better to spend your time and money on cultivating your personality.

    Also, not wearing the makeup or being more subtle about it gets you taken more seriously at work, while still providing the benefits of your natural beauty.
  6. Yes it is a big waste of money and effort. I never do that. I stopped using make up a long time ago and it's also a myth that it makes women feel better about themselves. It actually makes them DEPENDENT on the products to feel pretty. It makes them feel worse about themselves actually and more insecure.

    I hate make up and I think it's silly especially if you are already naturally pretty. I am very capable of loving, accepting and feeling great about myself WITHOUT any make up on. I don't need to enhance my beauty artificially to feel desirable. I don't feel 'naked' or less pretty and insecure without it.

    It's a downward spiral for some women. First it's make up and new hairdos every week to "feel good" and attract men's attention, then it becomes an addiction and as they grow older and they can't accept their looks even more, they start Botox, liposuctions, lasers, cosmetic surgery, silicone implants etc and all that just to 'feel better about themselves'. It's an excuse I believe.

    If you really like yourself you don't need any 'crutches' to feel better about it. You already feel good ENOUGH and you don't feel the need to modify yourself to be able to look in the mirror.