Monday, May 20

On game of thrones why do they only show naked women not naked men?

Asked by anonymous at 20 May,2013
i love the show first of all, and i watch it with my friends and some family every sunday. my sister keeps asking me why they only show naked women and not men. i dont really have an answer. i dont really care i just want to have an answer when she asks it again next sunday. thanks

Best Answer:
FART at 20 May,2013
not many wanna see a naked guy (girls only need to see the abs) but guys want to see naked women, so the show director wants to draw in a male audience and make more money the longer they stay watching the show without changing channels money yo

Other Answers:
  1. it's based in medieval times, right? in that case, women were not socially accepted as people with full rights. they were mistreated and abused, such as the movie goes to show
  2. I don't know about you,but nobodies going to pay me to strut around naked...
  3. ask her why is it the in soap opera they only show naked men and not naked women
  4. not many wanna see a naked guy (girls only need to see the abs)

    but guys want to see naked women, so the show director wants to draw in a male audience and make more money the longer they stay watching the show without changing channels

    money yo
  5. It is a TV show - its producers are probably concerned about ratings. Showing naked women helps the show to get higher ratings than it would by showing naked men since there is a bigger market for naked women than there is for naked men.
  6. most gamers are men?
  7. That show is targeted for a male audience. But the fantasy and romantic aspects are bound to attract female viewers, I like the show. You could try Spartacus? Just as good but with male nudity as well as female nudity. Oh and to be fair, Game of thrones does not show either sexes genitalia.. Spartacus does.
  8. They do occasionally show full-frontal male nudity, though I agree not nearly as much as the women. It's probably based on the assumption that female nudity "sells more". However, in the show's defense, many scenes take place in brothels.
  9. They don't. There is a substantial amount of male nudity; however, it's not close to equal the amount of female nudity...Also, read the books!
  10. because it's not women in love