@Mister Left: Men are raped in the military, but it is less frequent and I would agree men worry less than women about it.
Best Answer:
Mister Left at 19 May,2013
They meet the physical requirements and can receive benefits from joining. They worry less about being raped. Patriotism. The military also recruits in poorer neighborhood because they know that the boys there have limited or no options. Edit: Eek! You're right.
Other Answers:
- Because they want to more.
- It's more socially acceptable for men to be in the military, mostly due to their history and being more physically capable.
- Men - generally more patriotic, more willing to sacrifice their lives for a 'good cause' (this is debatable), and the money made ain't bad.
Women - value their lives more than anything on this planet and would never consider risking their lives like that. Their lives are just far too precious. And they also tend to avoid places that don't have many females to begin with. So, until more women to join, most women won't consider it because there are too many men there and not enough vags. - I don't know a great deal about it, but I,always thought if you were a guy it could provide good career progression, but not so much for women. Not being able to serve on the front lines impacts their options in terms of promotion and career path. But like I say, it's not something I,would choose to do so have never really looked into it. I hate violence and would make a terrible soldier.
Also, I don't take orders well. That's probably a bit of a handicap. - Jess, because Norway REQUIRES it of men but not of women. Sexism.
- because there is a batcave where we all play cards and exchange ghost stories and have slumber parties. Yep, there really never was a war, we made it up so when we come back there would be a stack of sandwiches waiting for us.
- Cause the military is fair to men and women. Everybody must and will do everything and their fair share. Women necessarily don't get into professions where there is no benefit to them
being in the military this long makes me wonder. I think the user opened up a problem with social status. Good looking women usually have other options in life. - They meet the physical requirements and can receive benefits from joining.
They worry less about being raped.
The military also recruits in poorer neighborhood because they know that the boys there have limited or no options.
Edit: Eek! You're right. - I would never do anything to risk my life, I'm just too precious.