Sunday, May 19

Men: what are some generalizations about your gender that you don''t mind?

Asked by Davi (Gleek Of The Week) at 19 May,2013
A lot of the men on here are quick to throw a generalization in your face but as soon as you turn the tables are turned around they put up the biggest fuss. Well I've eaten already and so has my brother so there is no reason for me to go back in the kitchen right now but thanks for the concern.

Best Answer:
mr dance moves at 19 May,2013
um you have it backwards, but you did say you are young. I know younger girls your age who work with me and they are very quick witted and take and dish out insults all the time. If you ever worked with older women, they are much more sensitive and don't want to hear any sexist comments. Am a black male, if somebody makes a generalization about me (which is usually extremely negative) they better roll up their sleeves cause i have a bunch of jokes. And i don't usually fight back with generalizations. Only people who have no creativity do that. Girls cannot criticize me, you guys are too insecure about yourself. All you have to do is call you fat and tell you how did you manage to get that outfit on cause it looks flat out terrible and who told you to walk out of the house like that. I once was trying to talk to a girl at her bar and her friend came out and jumped inbetween and said "she doesn't want to talk to you" Clearly the girl had no clue what was going on, cause her friend waited till she left and said "im sorry about that" but when her friend said that i told her to "take her fat azz on that way and why is her belly showing" That girl still will walk past me when i see her but she knows not to jump in my business anymore.

Other Answers:
  1. What are you doing outside of the kitchen?
  2. Well, I *do* mind the generalisation that you just threw in my face.
  3. wearing a shirt for xx days. It's not true however but it makes me laugh xD
  4. We're better drivers?
  5. That we're not sensitive.

    I'm not sensitive (touchy, feely, boohoo etc.), and I don't want to be either.
  6. I don't mind when people say that men ought to be more attractive. We should be. We definitely fit the generalization where we only want hot women.
    So hotness begets hotness? I can dig that.

    I don't mind when men are called oafish and relegated to duties that a well trained gorilla could perform. That both establishes the differentiation between men and woman anyway, so I think it's humorously counter-intuitive when the extremist feminists bust out with that stuff, but it's also true enough. Many men are small minded, sexually driven powerhouses of muscle and tunnel vision; it is reasonable that those impressions would be long lasting on a woman.

    The only thing I don't like is when I speak the truth and people don't believe me, usually in favor of some happy, empty, uplifting words that cannot possibly help anybody.
    Too many answers are like giving alcohol to somebody who lost his job in hopes that he'll feel better. But it only makes things worse.
  7. um you have it backwards, but you did say you are young. I know younger girls your age who work with me and they are very quick witted and take and dish out insults all the time. If you ever worked with older women, they are much more sensitive and don't want to hear any sexist comments.

    Am a black male, if somebody makes a generalization about me (which is usually extremely negative) they better roll up their sleeves cause i have a bunch of jokes. And i don't usually fight back with generalizations. Only people who have no creativity do that.

    Girls cannot criticize me, you guys are too insecure about yourself. All you have to do is call you fat and tell you how did you manage to get that outfit on cause it looks flat out terrible and who told you to walk out of the house like that.

    I once was trying to talk to a girl at her bar and her friend came out and jumped inbetween and said "she doesn't want to talk to you" Clearly the girl had no clue what was going on, cause her friend waited till she left and said "im sorry about that" but when her friend said that i told her to "take her fat azz on that way and why is her belly showing" That girl still will walk past me when i see her but she knows not to jump in my business anymore.
  8. More chill?
  9. I don't mind any generalizing.

    But if you do it to me, expect the: Rape jokes, Kitchen jokes, women jokes and all other slews and insults that go with it.

    Call me a sexist? LOL, that just means I won.