Saturday, May 18

why do some people get so angry at generalisations?

Asked by i love david =^.^= at 18 May,2013
I can't but think some gender related generalisations are true, and to me , they come with the fact that of course there are outliers.. /

Best Answer:
Ella La La at 18 May,2013
A lot of them are true, that's why so many people apply to certain ones. They didn't just come from nowhere. There's a lot of truth to them most of the time. Sadly.

Other Answers:
  1. A lot of them are true, that's why so many people apply to certain ones. They didn't just come from nowhere. There's a lot of truth to them most of the time. Sadly.
  2. Because they will never be true for every person.
    If they aren't accurate, why bother using them?
  3. My mom thinks white men are evil. So she tries her best to stay away from them. Is that a right thing to do? No There are many times when after someone has met me they'll say something like "Oh before you, I thought black women were rude so I would stay away from them." Generalizations can affect how we treat completely innocent people. I try my best to treat someone based on how THEY act and not how other people of their race or gender acts.
  4. I sort of agree. A while back there was a question regarding race and why we should consider black people equal despite all of the issues of violence within the black community. Of course some people agreed because that's what they know of black people and others rejected the premise altogether .
    It got me thinking about gender relations and why women are striving to be "equal" to men when we on average are far less violent and destructive. If we can hold up a mirror to black people, I think we should be able to do so to men and stop excusing their wrong doings as a people.
  5. It's harder to be oneself and accomplish goals if others have already decided what one is like or likely to do. Also, since generalizations apply to *most* of a group, the speaker(/thinker/etc.) implies that he or she knows and has the right to judge most members of that group, which is arrogant and inaccurate.
  6. cause its the easy way out. how about challenge other people to come up with answers.

    -are all white girls drunk, pretty easy, can't handle their liquor, and get away with all the crimes cause society feels sorry for them

    -are all black girls loud, hard to get a long with, and like to be single.

    -do all black men, have fat white girlfriends, criminals, bad fathers, and can't keep a job (we see who is the lowest of lowest socially)

    -do all white men have nice jobs, can be jerks, slap their women around, some are child molesters and a lot of single ones are perverts.
  7. Generalizations attempt to apply all of the merits and flaws of a few onto a group as a whole.

    It is like accusing every member of a group of the crimes of a few.
  8. Who wants to be generalized? Who wants to be place in a mold where they can't get out? Who wants to be held back and have boundaries placed around them?
  9. It's easier to generalize, than it is to research. Researching, getting out from behind a computer screen and gaining true life experience, takes time and effort, and god forbid anyone exert themselves.

    Generalizations have a time and a place, but the ones that people get angry about are the ones that have no basis in reality.