Tuesday, May 21

Why are animals cute/funny to us?

Asked by Enigma at 21 May,2013

Best Answer:
Dr. Mrs at 21 May,2013
Have you ever thought our animals find us cute and funny? Now that's a trip.

Other Answers:
  1. They are to keep us sane.
  2. some animals are cute because of the hormones that they release that effect some people more than other (which is apparent) :)
  3. Have you ever thought our animals find us cute and funny? Now that's a trip.
  4. Not all are, but the ones that are usually have traits(behavioral, but also visual) that we associate with naivety, innocence(why smaller, baby-animals are cuter, and funnier), and warmth, softness(fur).
  5. Maybe because they are innocent. Not necessarily good, but innocent.

    One thing is for certain, animals have learned somewhat how to manipulate humans with their demeanor. The domesticated ones anyway.

    The wild animals could care less what we think.
  6. because they are innocent like babies and we have to make a relationship with them in order to try to understand their needs so we make the committment. then they are bonded we love them and everything they do is cute like a baby that never grows up .