Thursday, May 23

does the fact that straight white men are told that only they can be racist and sexist prove the oppression?

Asked by Judge Judy at 23 May,2013
I hear feminists and black race baiters all the time say that straight white men cannot legitimately cry racism or sexism, because the entire system that affords everyone but them special protections, somehow works for them. yes, yes any time a straight white man points out obvious injustice he must be a whiny baby, even though feminists do it all the time and they are freedom fighters,

Best Answer:
WWGSD at 23 May,2013
Heterosexual white males are the scapegoat class throughout the English-speaking world today. It is clear proof of discrimination when individuals are treated differently based on their race or sex, but sadly some people are willing to practice this for personal gain.

Other Answers:
  1. Snore. You should tell your Mommy all about that. Everyone is being mean to you and it hurts.
  2. Because their racism and sexism means nothing to you. It only serves to hurt your feelings. Not to discriminate, or oppress you because those groups overall, don't have the means or the power to do so. People who make these arguments are people who think the past has no bearing on the present.
  3. The sociological definition of racism is "a system of group privilege." It's when one group is kept from having access to money or political power, based on the privileges of another group.

    White men have money and political power in greater amounts than any other group.

    Therefore they are not victims of racism.

    It's kind of funny how if a black person says "That cracker is trying to keep us from voting," a white person thinks *the black guy* is the racist, because, well, obviously the magic word "cracker" is more important than discrimination at the polls, right? Right?
  4. My great grandma told me a long time a go "Racism against white people isn't racism, its Karma." Not saying I agree with this but I can't really blame her considering the time she grew up in.
  5. Heterosexual white males are the scapegoat class throughout the English-speaking world today. It is clear proof of discrimination when individuals are treated differently based on their race or sex, but sadly some people are willing to practice this for personal gain.