Wednesday, May 22

Gender studies is full of bitter men and women, is it not?

Asked by Ella La La at 22 May,2013
Your thoughts?

Best Answer:
Temple ♥ Is An Island at 22 May,2013
I prefer to call them trolls.

Other Answers:
  1. I prefer to call them trolls.
  2. Yes, mostly troll men through, being completely honest.
  3. There surely are many here.
  4. Bitter like dark chocolate
  5. Real life has more.
  6. No
  7. Anyone who sets out to prove something (study) is critically engaged to examine the minutia of existence, and yes, taken literally and read often, they can suck the air right out of a room.

    I prefer to just hit anyone over the head that annoys me.
  8. Yes mostly the men.But I can understand why they're bitter.These are very angry white men with mental disorders.In reality they're unattractive, weird, social rejects and have low esteem.Even if one of them were attractive (which I highly doubt) they aren't wrapped too tight mentally.
  9. The only trolls in Gender Studies are the feminshits who think they deserve "rights".

    You see, I am not just critical of third wave feminism, the first and second waves should be criticized too because that would imply that womenz are equal :DDD
  10. There's lots of bitter men and women in real life. A lot of people online are trolls.
  11. No kidding 80% percent of the questions asked in this section are misandric and misogynist questions.

    Some could be trolls some could be people who have no social life.
  12. bitter? hateful and jaded is more like it.
  13. lol yes is... good observation
  14. Bitter men. Women to my opinion have a lot of forums to complain in. Whether its your mother, farther, boyfriend, husband, best guy friend, friendshipzone friend, your bestfriend and even at work or to anybody who will hear you. All women relate on a social level about complaints better than a male would relate to another male about a complaint.

    So yeah, this is the only place i can complain about anything that is unfair in society. I remember I once made some sexist commit about "damn i need a girl friend so i don't have to do laundry" my friend hannah posted quickly "im going to pretend i didnt read that". My friends just have a better since of humor than some women on here. They don't take me seriously cause they know me personally. And they have better comebacks besides getting insulted. They are quite witty people.
  15. The women don't taste bitter...

    Really! They don't...
  16. I think it is. I never had these thoughts while dating. I married and I'm actually happily married for many years. I don't get this section at all. I made my choices in life and if I choose poorly, I take full responsibility. Bitter people don't take responsibility. It's easier to blame and point fingers than have to look within yourself.
  17. I agree. I think many of these sites are used to vent.