Monday, May 20

So, is involving police really the best option?

Asked by Temple ♥ Is An Island at 20 May,2013
Well, even when I was younger, 11 or 10 (hard to remember), I had experienced sexual abuse by older boys. He was my cousin... I don't really want to talk about it in detail. My mother found out about it, don't know how she did, she just came into my room and asked me. She didn't call the police or anything like that, even though my cousin was legally an adult. In age only in my opinion. All she did was tell my uncle and he handled it by way of beating the hell out of my cousin while I watched from the stairs. I've had similar experiences but nothing as extreme as that one or as unpleasant to remember... Well, my point is I know other girls with similar stories and not one of them thought to call the police... Most kinda just moved on and tried to forget about it. I don't know, I can't speak for everyone but my reasoning was I just didn't want to... be a bother? I kinda thought that by making a big deal out of it I'd some how being causing more problems...

Best Answer:
'lyssa at 20 May,2013
If more girls reported it, the idiots would probably think twice before assaulting someone.

Other Answers:
  1. If more girls reported it, the idiots would probably think twice before assaulting someone.
  2. you were sexually abused as a child
    The police need to know
  3. from everything Ive seen from cops they don't help a situation. i would have taken situations into my own hands.
  4. No
  5. Yes it's really the best option because although you may have felt vindicated (?) by your uncle beating your cousin there's no telling how many other kids he's done this to. The only way to know is to make sure that person gets arrested. Far too many times in the past families didn't want to involve the police because of family drama and the fact that the laws weren't as specific as they are now. In the past it took a lot to get a conviction on sexual abuse but thanks to DNA and better forensics things have changed. It may not be a "big deal" to you if it only happened one or a few times but who's to say this person hasn't victimized hundreds of other kids.
  6. If you're over it and just want to move on with your life without all the b/s the law would bring to your door, fair enough. However, if you decide to take that option and let them escape justice they'll probably do it so someone else, maybe even multiple people if they've also taken this attitude.

    So, not the best option for you but thinking about greater society, yes. :)
  7. there is no best option for stuff like this. there is only a range of bad choices -- no matter which one you choose, you'll always have the bad memories and sense of distrust lodged within.
    sorry to hear this happened to you. (hug)
  8. I told an adult, and they chose not to do anything about it. I wasn't aware [at that time] the ramifications of telling the police, or not...having no knowledge of really what the police were fore [being I was only 5].

    It's unfortunate, but a lot of people chose to "sweep it under the rug", and you do wonder how many could have been stopped if the police were notified of the crime.
  9. It wouldn't be a bad idea. You could stop your cousin from abusing other people, if he does choose to do so.
  10. There are chances that it might affect your entire family in a negative way. This includes, cousins, uncles, aunts, etc. Police might step in and start asking questions to everyone and butting in, who knows. Criminal records might open and grudges might start...

    A comparison I want to make is with War and gang members. Where one side would kill a member of the other, and that side would get overcome by anger and avenge their death by killing someone of the other side. This would lead to a never ending vicious cycle of hatred because human beings sometimes lose control of reasoning and get overcome by these emotions of vengeance and hatred.

    By calling the cops and potentially harming the lives of many of your relatives, some people might hold grudges against you or your close family, etc.
  11. The police would have been a viable option. The cousin did receive a good dose of family justice. Which would have been a better deterrent and punishment? I guess only you can say since you were the victim.