Friday, May 3

Why is this seen as more offensive?

Asked by Hannah at 03 May,2013
I just answered a question saying that i don't like the thought of 2 men having sex. BUT that doesn't change the way i view them as people. Obviously! I just want to know why that is so bad? There are plenty of people that don't like the thought of 2 old people having sex, or their parents doing it, or their younger sister with the new bf. So what is the difference? If it doesn't change the way you view that particular person/people, then why is one seen as so much more taboo than the other? I honestly want to know. I think most people are grossed out at the thought of their parents having sex! But you don't like them any less, right? Thanks :) Dakota, exactly. I figure you can't hate gay people, and have gay friends, right? Hating people just because they're gay is ridiculous Rawr, just because that's the way me and him are. We makes jokes about it to each other. We take a sick pleasure in who can wind the other up about it most lol sorry, but i think it's better to have that sort of attitude than be like "you're gay/straight, i hate you because of it". Even Thomas here is gay and he's not offended by what i'm saying, because i'm not being malicious or nasty. Just trying to explain. And even after that, it doesn't mean i like him any less, because i don't. Why would i? It just seems like a lot of effort to explain myself..i've been around gay men for years. And they accept my opinions, and i accept theirs, and we're all still friends. Yet here it gets blown all out of proportion for no reason at all. I bet if i showed this to them they'd laugh their heads off

Best Answer:
Thomas at 03 May,2013
Some gay people might consider it offensive, but I don't think most would be offended by it. Most don't really care when it comes to this. I have several straight friends that think like this and we are still friends. I could care less, but I don't go around talking about sex with my bf either. I don't really want to hear about their sex lives either. You seem nice to me.

Other Answers:
  1. How about two women having sex?It isn't offensive but you have no problem with two women having sex.
  2. I don't like the thought of two men having sex either, probably because I am not gay. There is no problem with not liking to think about two people of the same sex getting at it, it is not homophobic in anyway. Being homophobic would be something like this "Stupid gays, they really need to educate themselves," that would be homophobic.
  3. i just don't know why you felt the need to bring it up in the first place. in a conversation about gay people, there is no need to come in and announce that you don't like the way they have sex, unless the question is "are you into gay sex?"

    why did you feel the need to?


    i know that you were joking around, i am just answering your question of why people might find it offensive.
  4. Some gay people might consider it offensive, but I don't think most would be offended by it. Most don't really care when it comes to this. I have several straight friends that think like this and we are still friends. I could care less, but I don't go around talking about sex with my bf either. I don't really want to hear about their sex lives either. You seem nice to me.
  5. If you phrase it like that: 'I don't like the thought of two men having sex' people might infer that you're being homophobic/people may think you see that type of sexual relationship as inferior to heterosexual sex.

    No one is asking you to 'like' the idea of two men in bed in a sexual way, that's down to your own personal tastes, so long as you're not saying it in a way that means you view that type of relationship as wrong.

    Ask yourself why you don't like the idea of it? What do you think of two women having sex? Of a a heterosexual couple? etc etc
  6. i dont like women having sex but i like men having sex together.
  7. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want to hear about any ones sex life... I'm not sure why that would be offensive to anyone.

    I do know someone that is gay, that tried to tell me about a "pick up" and night with a guy, and I stopped him, because...quite frankly, I just don't want to know. We're no longer friends, because of that... I don't talk about my sex life, and I really don't want to know about anyone else's, either.
  8. Great another man hating feminist.
  9. Actually, I am turned on by two guys having sex as long as they are white, Anglo-Saxon.

    It is a double-edged sword to say you are not liking gay men to have sex b/c there is so much anti-gayness out in the world. I think gay men who do feltching is sick and perverted, but that does not imply I do not like the rest of what they do. YEAH BABY!

    I respect lesbian women but I sure as hell do not want to watch them get it on. It is only preference. That is it. It is only a preference.

    Some people like watching porn or gay porn. It does not make them bad people.

    Why should you have to explain anything to anyone of your preferences? If people are so anal-retentive that they are unable to accept other peoples' differences than they can go f*ck themselves.
  10. I didn't like gays until many came out and I actually got to know them. My prejudice resulted from my personal unfamiliarity. You are also unfamiliar with gay sex and that makes you wary too. Try watching gay porn on line as one man inserts his erect penis into another's annal cavity, and then have oral sex until orgasms and both ejaculate. I think it's a big turn-on and maybe you will too, making your question very moot.
  11. i find this question offensive
  12. Because in this day and age, you not only have to accept homosexuality, you have to actively praise every aspect about it or else you're a "homophobe," which might have replaced racist as the most overused misused social and political insult these days.

    I don't really know why anyone needs to tell me about their sex life. I don't want to know what heterosexual people are up to in the bedroom either. But saying that doesn't make me a "bigot," only saying I don't want to know what homosexual people are up to does.
  13. Nothing wrong with it, but when you go out of your way to state it in situations that do not merit it, then I can see why people would be offended.

    Many people don't like the idea of homosexual acts, me included. I don't like the thoughts of lesbians having sex.