Which issue is the most important to you in today's society? Can be anything, obviously Thanks :) Mabel,i totally agree with you on the whole fur thing. I recently had big argument with one of my sisters about it. It makes me sick
Best Answer:
Mabel B at 03 May,2013
I am very much against killing animals, solely for their fur. And by that I mean so that people can wear it purely for a fashion statement. I think that is so completely and utterly wrong, taking an animals life, just so someone can have an item of clothing made from its fur, in the name of fashion. There are lots of stuff that i disagree with, but a lot of the time I think live and let live, just because I dont believe or agree dont mean I expect everyone else to share my views. But on the subject of fur, I wont ever wear it and I dont think anyone else should, either. I think it should be stopped, its evil and its barbaric and totally unnecessary.
Other Answers:
- My view is that people should just be nicer to each other. Im at school and I see a lot of pricks just saying insults to each other for no reason
- Feminism is a joke
- The rich/poor divide. Class divide, I guess. which, for all of the socialist tinkering and entitlements, is getting wider and wider all the time.
I think its clear, that making huge swathes of the population dependant upon state handouts makes them poorer.
So I think the welfare state needs looking at, it currently does not do what its supposed to. It was designed to eliminate poverty and social inequality, which it has failed miserably at. - I'm against torture or "enhanced interrogation."
- I'm pro-orgasm. Join my movement.
- the issue most important to me in todays society is how to get rid of babys
- I have many, but at the moment, my biggest issues are with Republicans and their war on the poor and the lower middle class. I actively write to our greedy congressmen and women and demand to know why they hate everyone besides the rich. I've been to several protests in the city I live in about this over the last 2 years. I'm also very proactive about the way American farmers are being treated right now and how our food is being changed by big agricultural giants like the Monsanto Corporation.
As for feminism and LGBT, I mostly am active about that online, as I already put in my years of actively protesting on campus(es) and the streets. If I had to do it again, I would though. Educating the public about feminism is good enough online for now. - Probably the blame that women get for Obamacare... I never voted for Obama [in either term], and I never lobbied for "special treatment" for women, and [quite frankly] am completely and totally against Obamacare, but not because of the MRAs reasons, it's because the penalty small businesses will incur for NOT having insurance coverage on their employees...
The misunderstood argument concerning birth control, that was brought up by businesses that were morally against birth control, and how that escalated to a huge government "take over" of women by the MRA...
The fact that MRAs blame single mothers for being "single"... They say women should be "more selective", but then accuse us of being "gold diggers", "entitled princesses" for being choosy regarding our choice in mates...
The fact that MRAs will take nearly everything, and turn it into a "feminist issue", down to a link that was posted "...A Woman's Worse Nightmare", concerning an infant that was taken away from the parents [yes, father was involved in child's life too], and an MRA posts "How is this a mother's worse nightmare...the father was there too?" To which, I responded... The mother probably told the reporter that IT WAS her worst nightmare...? Yep, that was a "feminist issue", too... Completely innocent story, blown up into a feminist issue...
Should I go on? - Materialism. Our society bases itself on material gain, and having "jobs", and working your entire life for purchasing material objects that are supposed to make you happy.
I believe almost every other significant evil comes out of this. Conformity, greed, destruction of nature, plus unnecessary stress in our lives, etc...
There are of course other recognisable problems not related to materialism, but still, I hold my strongest views against it. - I hate thieves.
In America, life is so easy.
You put on a pair of pants. Spend the day someplace doing some simple, mechanical bullsh*t and then you can go buy stuff.
But instead of doing that, thieves wreck the hard work, enforcing double or triple the effort of multiple parties to reproduce what their work had created, and then, for some reason, people don't flay them in the streets.
Honestly, what is worse than a thief? What is stupider than a thief? Why aren't they ceremoniously hurled into a giant spinning rotor or something? - I am very much against killing animals, solely for their fur. And by that I mean so that people can wear it purely for a fashion statement. I think that is so completely and utterly wrong, taking an animals life, just so someone can have an item of clothing made from its fur, in the name of fashion.
There are lots of stuff that i disagree with, but a lot of the time I think live and let live, just because I dont believe or agree dont mean I expect everyone else to share my views.
But on the subject of fur, I wont ever wear it and I dont think anyone else should, either. I think it should be stopped, its evil and its barbaric and totally unnecessary.