Wednesday, May 1

Is it wrong to hate a certain race?

Asked by Old Spice Guy at 30 April,2013
I'm in track and all my distance friends like the 3200m run but I can't stand it. I prefer the 1600m run. Is it okay for me to not like the 3200 even though all my friends do?

Best Answer:
Krypteian at 30 April,2013
LOL. Naval Oranges, herp derp derp?

Other Answers:
  1. haha
  2. Haha clever. Clever. Nice use of homophones
  3. I'm sorry there seems to be a good number of spelling and grammatical errors...let me try to make sense of it all..

    "I'm [B]lack and all my distance friends (ref. white people) like the 3200m run but I can't stand it. I prefer the 1600m run. Is it okay for me to not like the 3200 (metaphor here for white people) even though all my [other black] friends do?"

    Is this what you meant? If so, yes, you can like and dislike whatever you please...just don't treat people poorly for no reason.
  4. Yes
  5. LOL. Naval Oranges, herp derp derp?