Friday, May 3

Does everyone hate me is there a problem with me why?

Asked by Jacob at 03 May,2013
So today I got an after school detention which wasn't my fault, it's my first one..... So anyway no one cared and I talked to mates my mate turned against me and we had a fight, punches etc. I won. And I went home and my dad was there and I sat down with him he told me he didn't get tickets for the last match of the season, football, so I went upstairs crying because I had been telling him for weeks and now they are sold out. And he came up and said that he did actually get them and wondered what was up and I told him that I banged my head really hard and I did, and he was fine with it and gave me aspirin we watched a movie and he said I'm going to the pub with him and his friends and mum and the hours later my mum said I wasn't going because their kid wasn't so i waled off again, crying and my mum told me that I make them feel bad because they want 1 day out yet they go out, to the gym, pub, restaurants with friends every day every week and I'm really sad and crying right now, please help and now I'm thinking, I don't have a girlfriend and need one because I need someone really bad, I have no friends and I'm a loner and my family hates me I think so please help me........

Best Answer:
Inlove at 03 May,2013
That just a phase in your life.You will get friends a gf when its time for it.You just have to stay strong and believe that there are good times and bad times in your life and if you dont fight with the bad stuff you wont reach the good ones.

Other Answers:
  1. Stay strong bud, its all part of growing up. Things will make more sense as you grow older. Find a hobby or something. Dont sweat it, Good luck kid.
  2. In all honesty. Join the military it'll give you balls.
  3. umm. don;t hate me for saying this. but try to go to church. idk but that's what i do, because almost everyone is welcoming anyone at churches.
  4. Everybody hates violent, aggressive, narcissistic people.
  5. stay strong! " this too shall pass"
  6. go see a counciler it sounds like you have somethings you need to talk to someone about and sometimes the internet doesent know. go see a proffesional he/she will talk to you and help your threw anything you need. its not embaressing to have a counciler most of us need that other person to talk to and work things out from other people prospective.
  7. They dont hate you, and never will, but you will maybe get a girlfriend if you stop crying ;)
  8. That just a phase in your life.You will get friends a gf when its time for it.You just have to stay strong and believe that there are good times and bad times in your life and if you dont fight with the bad stuff you wont reach the good ones.
  9. Nah I don't think anyone hates you - I think your just feeling angry and down - sorry your feeling this way :\ I think that's what's making you feel like everyone's against you. It's just that things seem to be going wrong for you - so it's understandable why you feel this way.

    Have a good one :)