Saturday, May 18

am i mental whats wrong with me?

Asked by Fiona at 18 May,2013
i have these little episodes where think i go crazy, i get a little bit shaky when people talk i get angry and have to close my ears i start crying and screaming, i feel like im going to faint, i get angry its starts randomly. Im 17 year old girl, healthy but low in vitamin D, after 10 minutes im laughing hysterically

Best Answer:
no one. at 18 May,2013
Being the same age as you I've noticed that a lot lf people our age tend to hold any negative energy in and not let it out easily. Trying to act like nothing affects you is a goal we all pretty much have. But when you don't let the little things out and talk about them then it builds up and all the little negative small problems turn into one big one And that is why your episodes are so crazy. You may think hmmm no big thing has happened recently for me to act out this way. But a lot of anxiety can build up from a lot of little things you've kept in and when it comes out, it's really ugly. I had a friend who would do the same thing it was so weird how she would laugh after. Is 100% anxiety build up so try and not hold things in if you want these episodes to stop. Tell friends little things don't be afraid to let things out, you will feel so much better!

Other Answers:
  1. Get more vitamins all of them check on the Internet for any solutions go for a check up because you eitgher have anger management problems or you are mental
  2. sounds like pent up rage, maybe, talk to someone, find the root cause. or even anxiety
  3. Are you depressed? Or it could be that your bi polar, or you might just have some anger issues. Sound like bi polar though. But whenever you get mad just take a deep breath, and count to 10 in your head. It sounds stupid but it really helps, trust me. I also suggest you see a doctor or therapist about it,its probably nothing serious hough.
  4. i think u should visit doctor at-least once just for peace of mind. doctor will diagnose and may solve ur problem. and if u are not going then just think positive feel positive make positive thoughts in ur mind, don't feel like something wrong is happening to you. make ur self busy, concentrate on ur studies and just enjoy life. and last but not least go for meditation it will definitely work.
  5. Tell your friends, just so they know what is happening and then when this happens and u 'go crazy' just try to laugh it off! act like it's some massive joke that you do for fun, maybe you will start believing it yourself!
  6. Being the same age as you I've noticed that a lot lf people our age tend to hold any negative energy in and not let it out easily. Trying to act like nothing affects you is a goal we all pretty much have. But when you don't let the little things out and talk about them then it builds up and all the little negative small problems turn into one big one And that is why your episodes are so crazy. You may think hmmm no big thing has happened recently for me to act out this way. But a lot of anxiety can build up from a lot of little things you've kept in and when it comes out, it's really ugly. I had a friend who would do the same thing it was so weird how she would laugh after. Is 100% anxiety build up so try and not hold things in if you want these episodes to stop. Tell friends little things don't be afraid to let things out, you will feel so much better!