Saturday, May 18

Women: what are some things you've 'learned' about yourselves from the men on here?

Asked by Gleek Of The Week (1D Lover) at 18 May,2013
I've learned I'm a shallow self-entitled man-hating lesbian who is worthless and has no morals whatsoever. @truth prevails Thanks :) BTW I don't think any of this just being funny or at least trying to be

Best Answer:
Truth Prevails at 18 May,2013
As much as you may hate us, you're entitled to your opinion. As much as me or others might disagree with it, you can think what you want. And no, you aren't worthless.

Other Answers:
  1. OMG who gives a shhite about their opinions.
  2. I learned I'm fat and old and I'm far from either...I'm just not a nice person ;)
  3. I have learned that I am actually capable of excercising restraint in the face of incredible, unrelenting provocation.

    Who knew?
  4. Glad to be of assistance.
  5. 1) I have an awesome rack
    2) Pretty
    3) I'm a leech
    4) Shallow
    5) I'm a feminists
    6) Sexists
    7) B*tch
    8) Intelligent
    9) I'm a nice lady
    10) Rude
    11) Weird and hot.
    12) Attention whore.

    I can do this all day but I will not. Too boring.
  6. That I'm an entitlement princess. Once you get used to it, it's not such a bad thing.
  7. I don't care about the men here, and the $hit they say to me.
  8. As much as you may hate us, you're entitled to your opinion.
    As much as me or others might disagree with it, you can think what you want.
    And no, you aren't worthless.
  9. That I'm more intelligent than most things with penises.