Friday, May 3

why is it sexist if men only want male doctors but not sexist if women only want women doctors?

Asked by m1gr2345nbdeaxe at 03 May,2013

Best Answer:
Cristine at 03 May,2013
There is no sexism there with men only wanting a male doctor.

Other Answers:
  1. I don't think either is "sexist"... When you're going to see a doctor regarding personal, private concerns, you should choose a doctor you feel the most comfortable with, regardless of their gender.
  2. I would think that I have never heard this. That is, a man caring if it is a man or women.
  3. The gender of my doctor is inconsequential as there is nothing more important to me at that time as my health.
  4. its not sexist.
  5. There is no sexism there with men only wanting a male doctor.
  6. I don't see either one as sexist. Men should do whatever makes them comfortable on this.
  7. I'd rather have a Female doctor, and I'm a Male... if i have to get intimate with a person to check my health - I'd rather have a heterosexual intimacy than homosexual (i'm hetro)