Friday, May 3

Why do many on here attack "grammar" errors and don't really read the question?

Asked by Arthur Eyetis at 03 May,2013
Seems like that is all they can come up with... "Kill the messenger". I got an answer on here once about a question I asked about so called "affirmative action". He answered, "you misspelled racial quotas, how can you be taken seriously". Yes I could see if babbling away but leave a period of comma out and they go nuts. I guess that all they got, the "toof" angers many it seems.... @ Scabs and John, you had several grammar errors in your answer, should I notify Yahoo about this? Ha Ha. @ facade...Thanks, I will work on that.

Best Answer:
ʄaçade at 03 May,2013
I read your question. The only error I could find was a missing comma before "it seems". But the "got, the toof" should probably be a new sentence start. Added: :-) Thanks for 'getting' it.

Other Answers:
  1. cuz their dumn
  2. while some people are just using it to discredit the person asking, there are quite a lot of people who are genuinely irked by spelling and grammar mistakes. if it happens, just take it as a learning opportunity.
  3. some people just want to see their answers that they give, knowing they didn't know the answer in the first place, just knowing that someone will read their answers are good enough for them
  4. I read your question. The only error I could find was a missing comma before "it seems". But the "got, the toof" should probably be a new sentence start.

    Added: :-) Thanks for 'getting' it.
  5. In part I think they are simply reiterating what happened to them in school when they made spelling errors. People in our society get punished for not using English properly.

    But also from a practical standpoint, changing just one letter or punctuation mark can dramatically alter the meaning of a question. Sometimes (ok, MANY times) questions have so many errors they are almost unreadable, and/or the meaning of the question isn't clear because of so many errors.

    Thirdly, and I think this bothers a lot of people, is that there is spell check built it! It specifically tells you that you made a mistake! If people can't see that or don't know about it, that makes them seem very ignorant. Also, if people don't proofread their question for mistakes, it means they aren't very serious about it so why should anyone else bother?
  6. agreed with john