Thursday, May 2

Why are the double standards men face ok but the ones women have are sexist and wrong?

Asked by I am canadian at 02 May,2013

Best Answer:
Joel at 02 May,2013
Don't know

Other Answers:
  1. Don't know
  2. Which double standards are you referring to? We need examples...
  3. They aren't- double standards are what they are. Some people male the mistake that gender equality is solely a feminist issue- but it's not. We're all human and we're going to have to learn to work together.

    It's just as sexist to stereotype a man according to his sex as it is to stereotype a woman.
  4. Because of double standards. Double standard-ception?
  5. What double standard?
  6. Ohhhhh let me guess, this is another rant that men will date shy women but women won't date shy men 'cause if it is you obviously don't know many people 'cause some of us do and my friend is dating a guy who has never had a girlfriend and he is 28.

    The double standards you face only exist in your head Ricky!!
  7. All double standards are wrong. Feminists usually make a bigger deal about the ones that hurt women because women face more difficulties due to sexism than men do - but it causes problems for both sexes.
  8. ughh go cry
  9. because of stupid feminists