Wednesday, May 1

Important poll for men and women...?

Asked by Ella La La at 01 May,2013
If you could have any one thing in the world, what would you choose? Please state your gender. Thanks.

Best Answer:
[M]â'¶TTICUS at 01 May,2013
does the worlds oil supply count as one thing? :o If not, a domesticated koala. This man made the mistake of invading a koalas personal space.

Other Answers:
  1. Justin bieber
  2. Happiness

  3. does the worlds oil supply count as one thing? :o

    If not, a domesticated koala.

    This man made the mistake of invading a koalas personal space.
  4. The new Samsung Galaxy S4.

  5. I'd a nice sized little house, in a secluded area , and as far away from people as possible. Just me, my daughter and her papa. No need for anything more. My desires are simple.
  6. True love.


    You're welcome:)