There's already a man in there: urinating. It is a small bathroom where there are only two urinals in which to bask in ones masculinity while relieving himself. So, you take the stall next to him. You get this urge... this urge to look down... down at his phallus. You notice he's wearing a very expensive ring. Do you: A) Tell him nice ring B) Ask him what his stance is on circumcision C) Wait for him to make eye contact I really need to know GS. Please help me!
Best Answer:
Temple ⥠at 02 May,2013
C) and make sure to giggle girlishly and give him a nice wink. After, before leaving, slip your cell number into his back pocket.
Other Answers:
- Just out of curiosity, why were you looking in that direction?
Is that what you guys do in there...? - Have you ever heard the term 'cottaging' before?
- C) and make sure to giggle girlishly and give him a nice wink. After, before leaving, slip your cell number into his back pocket.
- D) Just stare at the wall while doing your business.
- The polite thing to do would probably be to just suck him off at that point.