Monday, April 29

Is it likely that more sports figures will come out after Jason Collins?

Asked by Jess at 29 April,2013
"Who cares?" Well, unfortunately homophobics do. The culture of professional sports is famously homophobic. Were some of you blissfully unaware of that? Or do you just not care that people are shamed and threatened for being gay?

Best Answer:
Ryou at 29 April,2013
Depends how people react to it. I doubt many would if it would or if they believe it would completely tarnish their name.

Other Answers:
  1. There are always going to be those who hide it and those who come out as you put it. It amazes me why anyone should care. If a person can jump higher, run faster or sing better than his or her peers surely that is why we follow them. What the hell does their sexual predilection matter. I will take a gay who scores twenty goals a season in preference to a straight guy who scores ten.
  2. Probably.

    But, honestly, who cares? Or, perhaps more appropriately, why do people care? How does ones sexuality affect the general population?

    I just don't get it. People are making a big deal out of nothing, I think. Righties think its abhorrent that people are gay. Lefties think it is cause for celebration. I think it's some guy making his homosexuality known just so he can get under a different limelight than the one he's under now.
  3. Who is that fool J.C.? well...whatever the case, there will always be a string of fools to copycat the original fool.
  4. Why are we supposed to care who athletes and celebrities have sex with?
  5. Depends how people react to it.
    I doubt many would if it would or if they believe it would completely tarnish their name.
  6. I doubt many will be lining up to come out of the closet, maybe a couple or so. At least for now anyways. Most gay athletes are scared of losing those big paychecks and there is nothing protecting them from being discriminated against. Jason Collins was very brave and I applaud him for it.

    Even though professional athletes are celebrities in many aspects, they still live by the rules of homophobia in sports. However, this is a step in the right direction.