Saturday, April 27

Since women seem to prefer men clean-shaven, does that mean that....?

Asked by Rowdy MacFarlane at 27 April,2013
... right after shaving men go up 1 or 2 "points' on the attractiveness scale? Such as going from a 6 to an 8? And how long do those bonus points last? Example: Random guy before shaving: Same guy, after shaving:

Best Answer:
Lady Blue at 27 April,2013
No no no, it's the 5'oclock shadows which draw us in

Other Answers:
  1. a majority of women are very shallow and unintelligent be yourself and find one that likes you the way you like yourself, instead of trying to be something that they are looking for
  2. Those are not the same men. The first guy was on magnum pi and the other was on the andy griffith show and is now dead.
  3. I think, unless you're one of the guys on the Gillette adverts, it doesn't really matter lol
  4. Girls like when guys have shaped goatees
  5. No no no,

    it's the 5'oclock shadows which draw us in
  6. I would say, about two points on the kissable scale.
    The points last until the aftershave wears off! Or the deodorant?
    Or, for some women, and some men, these things do not cont for anything at all, then, it is the money, or the position of the man in society, that is the attraction.
    Also, sometimes, family, and its background matters a lot?
  7. My boyfriend shaves for himself. He doesn't like his neck-beard. He doesn't get bonus points for shaving because he looks fine with or without his beard. :P
  8. I dont look too much into that.
  9. I prefer facial hair of practically any kind on a guy. Other girls hate it. I'd say yeah, you go up 0.5 to 1 point for having facial hair, as long as you don't look like a 13 year old only able to grow a caterpillar.