Sunday, April 28

how is it that some people dont get bored of doing hours of studying everyday?

Asked by - at 28 April,2013

Best Answer:
at 28 April,2013
They get used to the routine. It's habitual behaviour, you begin to not take notice of routine after a while and just undertake the task at hand. I speak from experience. Last year each day I would revise for around ten hours, well, when I was awake I would be revising. I was motivated to get high grades and after two weeks this habit of revising morning to night became so ingrained into my way of life and thinking that I didn't stop and think ''oh I think i'll just slack off and watch t.v now''. My brain processes became adapted to the work and I actually enjoyed it. Then the summer came and I thought I might as well relax, but this relaxation period extended beyond the holiday. So now I am slacking because I have not engaged in the routine for some time, I'll have to start up again! It's all about understanding how the brain works and how best to adapt to study needs. Some of us are just very passionate about what we study, we don't study because we have to but because we want to.

Other Answers:
  1. Because they enjoy it.

    Good Luck.

    Best Wishes.

    Mars Mission Soon In A Galaxy Near Yours..


  2. If you enjoy what you do and if its not monotonous how can you get bored?
  3. many people do get bored, exhausted, etc.

    but it's for the sake of a career, money, and a living.

    occasionally studying can be fun too
  4. They get used to the routine. It's habitual behaviour, you begin to not take notice of routine after a while and just undertake the task at hand. I speak from experience. Last year each day I would revise for around ten hours, well, when I was awake I would be revising. I was motivated to get high grades and after two weeks this habit of revising morning to night became so ingrained into my way of life and thinking that I didn't stop and think ''oh I think i'll just slack off and watch t.v now''. My brain processes became adapted to the work and I actually enjoyed it. Then the summer came and I thought I might as well relax, but this relaxation period extended beyond the holiday. So now I am slacking because I have not engaged in the routine for some time, I'll have to start up again! It's all about understanding how the brain works and how best to adapt to study needs. Some of us are just very passionate about what we study, we don't study because we have to but because we want to.
  5. Efficient study skills and interest