Sunday, April 28

What should a guy answer if his girlfriend asks him if she looks fat?

Asked by Valhalla at 28 April,2013

Best Answer:
Bethia at 28 April,2013
Say "no" but if she genuinely does tell her in the most gentle way possible,"wear a jacket over it" or something like that! Us girls are sensetive :'(

Other Answers:
  1. 'ah hell yeah'
  2. To me, You are beautiful just the way you are.
  3. Tell her no. And if you think she is tell her "if you don't like the way you look then change it" . Answer mine?;_ylt=ApyxxOHyWeW43zBa2BWFAdUM_dw4;_ylv=3?qid=20130428105523AALMUHt
  4. Say "no" but if she genuinely does tell her in the most gentle way possible,"wear a jacket over it" or something like that! Us girls are sensetive :'(
  5. "No, you look hot."