Monday, April 29

Why are feminists so much meaner to women who don't support them?

Asked by Temple ♥ Bruce at 29 April,2013
Than they are to the men who oppose them? Do they take it personally? @Dark Eyes, I have seen the feminists in this section post how they do not believe anti-feminists women women deserve respect. They insult and belittle, call them doormats and suck ups. So, yeah, no high horse today. @Rawr, I was not judging women with tattoo's I asked that question because I was "thinking" of getting one and people seem to have negative opinions about it. @Pretty, I oppose modern feminism based on what they have done. I don't suck up to anyone, I "like" Thomas, that simple. Have since before you showed up, you see just because he is feminists does not mean I dislike "him", I simply disagree with him. It is funny, even when I present evidence, I am still attacked you and others as sucking up. It is hilarious. It appears presenting an argument with historical fact is all it takes for feminist to hate someone. Figures. @Rawr, the "rack" questions are a "joke" as in not meant to be taken seriously, and I hardly ever ask them. I find the assault against my intelligence rather amusing.. *giggle*

Best Answer:
Jen the conservatιve at 29 April,2013
I think most can't stand traditional women and how comfortable they are in their own femininity. I agree with the other person who said it's like anti-feminist women turned their back on their sisters. The feminist movement was a good thing at the time because we needed to be able to vote and have the same rights but now feminists have gone overboard. Why don't these feminists go to other countries where women are treated really bad and see how much of a better life they have in this country.

Other Answers:
  1. It's a sisterhood thing. You went against the pack.

    Hey, look at that, my question's right above yours! Now we get to have sex!
  2. Feminists can't attract men. Mostly super wimpy men if anything at all.

    So they get angry at women who actually could attract men.

    I know because I've seen feminists try to shut down beauty pagents before.
  3. Seriously? You read these questions and answers from MRAs and you're saying that feminists are mean?

    Please give links to the questions and answers where feminists are being mean...

    You claim to be an anti-feminist, yet you also claim you'd work if it was necessary, which is what most women do... MRAs call that a "cherry picking feminist". We also do what our partner wants, and what's best for our circumstances, not based on any movement.
  4. You know what they're not as strong as they claim to be; you'd think they'd take it like the strong woman they claim to be when other women goes against them.
  5. example? since I'm pretty much the most feminist person here, and I've never said anything to you besides mocking your judgementalness against tattooed women once.


    thats certainly not how it came across when you spoke it, but i don't remember the question enough so perhaps. in any case, i have never seen anybody here being mean to you. some females here may not consider you the sharpest tool in the box, but i think that has more to do with the amount of time you spend trying to get people to focus on your "rack". which is also one of the reasons people here consider you to be a suck-up. because that's how you portray yourself - as a horny person just looking for male attention. there's chat rooms for that.
  6. I think most can't stand traditional women and how comfortable they are in their own femininity. I agree with the other person who said it's like anti-feminist women turned their back on their sisters. The feminist movement was a good thing at the time because we needed to be able to vote and have the same rights but now feminists have gone overboard. Why don't these feminists go to other countries where women are treated really bad and see how much of a better life they have in this country.
  7. "We are feminists! We fight for women to choose what they want and not be shamed for their choices!....Oh, you're a female that is not a feminist and do not support feminism? You should be a feminist! You should be ashamed of yourself for not supporting it!"

    - Feminist mentality, ladies and gentlemen.
  8. Several things I think. They argue men oppress and victimize women, so when a male criticizes them, they can try to dismiss that as how oppressors act, not so when a woman criticizes them. That puts them in a very tough spot. Despite being a minority, they like to act as if they speak for all women, but when women criticize them, it makes it obvious that's not true.

    I know you've paid some attention to Erin Pizzey (1) - a woman who devoted an enormous effort to helping women, but the second she mentioned men can be victims and need help to, look how feminists turned on her. There is no middle ground with feminism.

    They are loosing the support of women, it's hurting them, and so they lash out:

    56% of women self identified themselves as feminists in 1986, (,

    “In 1992, a Gallup poll found that 33% of American women considered themselves to be feminist. But seven years later, the Gallup poll reported that number had plummeted to 26%. And one CBS poll noted that 22% of women said that being called a feminist would be an "insult."

    A 2001 gallup poll showed less that 25% of women supported feminism.

  9. I think you are taking a personal dislike of you (or your persona) and extrapolating it to mean a dislike of an entire category of people. Which is pretty self-involved, actually.

    There are plenty of women on here who identify as non-feminist and with whom I do not have a problem at all. Such as Layla jane, Creepy cupcake etc.

    The difference is that they present their arguments in a reasoned and nonjudgmental fashion, which means it is easy and interesting to engage them in conversation and debate.

    Also, you claim to hate feminists on principle, yet suck up to the only self-proclaimed feminist male on this forum. Which is a little hypocritical, if you think about it.

    EDS - "It appears presenting an argument with historical fact is all it takes for feminist to hate someone. Figures"

    There you go again, Temple. Saying things which are not true just because you asked a question and did not like the answer.
  10. because said non-feminist women are traitors in the perception of said feminists, but they might also just have some valid grievance, not that being mean is cool