Sunday, April 28

Are males actually more likely than females to get angry?

Asked by Ame Noire at 28 April,2013
I meant aggressively.. For instance, are guys more eager to fight physically opposed to a woman?

Best Answer:
Jens at 28 April,2013
Aggressively... Well, men are more likely to get violent. But I think in their violence they cause less permanent damage than women do in their anger.

Other Answers:
  1. my first thought is that it would be equal.

    * women are just as likely to turn violent. some studies show women are more likely than men to use violence. Women are smaller - it's not recognised or has the same effect as when men do it. Society seems to turn a blind eye to female violence.
  2. Men are just more likely to bottle it up, then sit on it, and then explode with anger

    AND we should all know that Women actually initiate more fights and are just as violent as men. It's just that men cause more damage.
  3. you've never met a feminist. feminists never stopped being pizzed at everything for no reason.
  4. I think so. It's probably the testosterone. We kind of feel a little aggressive and a little PO'ed all the time. So, maybe our temper is a little shorter than yours. On the other hand, we are fairly simple to keep happy.
  5. Women are just as aggressive as men but through emotional abuse.
  6. are you calling me violent?!


    Men appear to settle their confrontations with violence, more often than women.
  7. Aggressively... Well, men are more likely to get violent. But I think in their violence they cause less permanent damage than women do in their anger.
  8. Males naturally have more testosterone than females - a chemical in our bodies which is linked to (amongst other characteristics) aggression. Anger however depends on Individual circumstances - irrespective of male or female gender.

    Also, you should really try to define what you mean by 'anger' or 'being angry' some may say 'males are easily more likely to get angry' others will reply with 'females are more likely' but it's a personal response and what one person thinks of being angry may be different to another. All in all the answer is, it depends On the person
  10. This is serious. I have seen everyone of my male friends get slapped in the face by their women. That is not to say in closed doors they did not get equalliburm. However consider?

    Women are more likely to get violent because

    A they are women

    B If said women is hit her male peer will beat the shit out of who ever hit her back

    I have seen it and not only on youtube!