Tuesday, April 30

Why do people cry when they are very angry or full of rage?

Asked by Theresa at 30 April,2013
Well I actually just got finished with an argument from my mother and I'm not sad at all yet I'm crying. The argument was intense we were both yelling and screaming them I just left. Once I left I started to fry but I wasn't sad... Why did that happen? Also this is actually right after the argument I called over my phone and we talked and we settled it :)

Best Answer:
Nicole at 30 April,2013
I think it might be your way of letting out the rage. I think it is a really healthy way of letting your emotions out. I would love to cry more when I am really mad and raging. Unfortunately my reaction is to smash something rather than cry. I guess we are all different. ;))

Other Answers:
  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGdHJSIr1Z0
  2. It's an emotion. Whether your upset or not- like releasing all of your bad energy.
  3. You feel bad about yelling at your mother and arguing with the knd that raised you
    That is why you cry because you understand that you are wrong
  4. Because you are also upset.
  5. it's highly
    effective at healing, and it
    improves one's mood. Most effective way of dealing with pain,anger,stress and sadness.
  6. I think it might be your way of letting out the rage. I think it is a really healthy way of letting your emotions out. I would love to cry more when I am really mad and raging. Unfortunately my reaction is to smash something rather than cry.

    I guess we are all different.
