Tuesday, April 30

Men: Do you think guys should be able to legally force an abortion?

Asked by Sarah at 30 April,2013
Oopsy daisy. The condom broke. It happens. Now your one night stand is preggers and wants to keep it, but is going to sue you for child support. Do you think men should be allowed to sue the woman for an abortion to be performed without her consent in cases where conceiving a child was not the purpose of the intercourse? Silent Bob: Well pretend the Government DID allow it. Woody: Why? The baby is only half hers but she can kill it whenever she feels like it. Shouldn't you be able to do the same? Bishop what the hell are you talking about? Did you eat a whole tube of toothpaste again? As close to a "Yes" as your cowardly self can get, Nick?

Best Answer:
. at 30 April,2013
Absolutely not; that's monstrous. Even the strongest MRAs don't support that; they merely think that the man should be able to walk away from the child without ever paying support.

Other Answers:
  1. Absolutely not; that's monstrous.

    Even the strongest MRAs don't support that; they merely think that the man should be able to walk away from the child without ever paying support.
  2. i wouldn't say force an abortion. maybe legally force her take sole responsibility for the child because precautions were taken and he doesn't want it and she does. what a stupid b itch.
  3. Nope the government wouldn't allow that. Besides most men don't want the babies they help make.
  4. No ultimately the female would have to make that choice, it's her body and she can choose to keep it or not. Now I believe the male has the right to stop an abortion. It's a very sensitive issue and one I hope no one had to make.
  5. ofcourse not.

    This is such a stupid idea.

    * yeah, but as a man, I'm not incubating the baby in my body, nor will I be the one giving birth. It's really a question of bodily rights. It's her body, not mine.

    If the genders were reversed I wouldnt want to have anyone else to make choices about my body.
  6. No. Yea, so what if the condom broke? Deal with it. It was your choice to have sex. You knew there was a chance she might have gotten pregnant. You can't force a women to kill her own child. And whoever thinks so is just plain stupid.

    Abortion is always wrong. Most times the woman might choose to kill the baby because of the responsibility she would have to deal with. Abortions are mostly caused by mistakes anyways. Usually it's the man who doesn't want it.
  7. No, I don't think abortion should be allowed at all. it is murder, and they will be judged my god for everything they've done. abortion goes completely against the right to life. Thanks to feminists we've killed over 50 million children since 1973. I hope they're proud.
  8. Really?

    She's actually going to give the game away that soon, cause it's usually on the slippy slope or D.L. that they pull that kinda chicanery. it is almost never, with the exception being once in a million, that a woman will fold the game that early.

    i'll give women one thing they know how to play those games.
  9. I think as long as a woman can unilaterally terminate her parental rights, men should be able to do the same (no coerced child support).