Monday, April 29

In YOUR experience, how rare/often is it to find childless people ages 40+ up?

Asked by . at 29 April,2013
And who never had the desire to want kids and still don't want any? Well in my experience, almost every person I ran into or had conversations (at any age), with already had kids, or wanted them in the future. I never met anyone over 30 who didn't want kids and still don't want any. I guess it's more people that want children than people who don't and there's nothing wrong with that but I'm 21 and will have my tubes tied 3 years from now because I don't have the desire for them and never will and please don't try to convince me that I'm gonna change my mind because I won't. But anyway how often do you meet a couple or single people who NEVER want children?

Best Answer:
Mabel B at 29 April,2013
I am 43 and I have no kids, and neither do most of my friends, and we are all in the same age group.

Other Answers:
  1. I never wanted and still don't want children. My husband although has two children and a crazy ex wife. He is 42, I'm 29 and if I knew then what I know now. I probably wouldn't have started a relationship. But I love my husband so I deal with it.
  2. Men, well, most don't honestly know. They assume no unless they know otherwise.

    Women? Well, all have kids. Here, where I am, most girls are pregnant by the time they leave high school, married or not. Those that do not have kids are usually told they cannot have kids, or have not been trying too hard. And, without being racist, this lasts until they date a black man and then they have kids, like it or not.

    I have met a number who do not/did not want children. They usually had them because they married, by accident, or were told they could not have children and... Only a handful actually TRY, and about half of them cannot. Again, let her have an affair or met a black man, and boom. It's all over but the crying.

    I didn't use to care. Lately, well, I'm not so certain. It seems that as we age, we tend to desire to reproduce more, even after the point were we cannot. Unlike women, most men can have kids until the day they die. Women, however, have a time-clock, so...

    Think of yourself as a natural limiter on the population. Like gays are, as a gay friend of mine used to say. Some of us are unable to have kids, some do not want them, and some cannot have them due to sexual choices or asexuality. We are those who limit the population in peaceful ways, other than war and plague. :)
  3. I am 43 and I have no kids, and neither do most of my friends, and we are all in the same age group.
  4. I can only think of one couple offhand that didn't have kids. Their dog was their kid.
    They still had time to have kids, but they were very set on NOT having them.

    Good for you for taking your reproductive rights seriously!
    You might want to make sure that getting your tubes tied won't mess with your hormones. There's also the IUD--which lasts 10 years.
  5. I don't want kids but I'm not anywhere near 40 yet. I think it's weird when people treat their dogs like kids too. I like cats because they don't really need you. You can leave them alone for days with food, water and a couple of litter boxes and they don't even know you're gone. If kids were like that I might have one.
  6. Some childless celebrities have said they don't want kids.